Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Eel RIver - Best little RIver in the Land

July 17, 2012

Well with spirits high again and a renewed sense of energy.  I thought Oh well what else can happen I am not letting all these tire issues get me down.  So off we were in the cold rain towards our beautiful Redwood forest.  I kept singing and actually so was Brandon "this land is your land"  you know the tune.  Well unfortunately the rain did not let up and passing Meyers Flats was very sad, the winery had closed down and so had the little restaurant.  No Lunch for us, but the nice lady at the grocery store said there was a great place in Miranda 8 more miles up the road and of course you gotta stay on the Avenue of the Giants.  Okay, so off we went for 8 more miles.  Mind you we would have gotten a nice warm cup of coffee there because there is a coffee shop,  but the guy that owns it is not very nice.  Turns out he was not very nice to Jim and Matt the day before either.  Glad we did not stop.  Ate some really great food at the Restaurant in Miranda, and wow were they ever busy due to the rain and all the campers from the redwoods having to come eat there.  We met some other bikers, the young girl was also having tire problems and she said she had broke down and cried yesterday because of all the flats she had been having.  Brandon told them what Jaimie told us about filling them to the max so that would avoid the pinched flats because that was what she had been experiencing.  Met a nice couple in the Avenue Cafe who also provide the Cafe with beef that they raise.  They too are going to be doing an adventure of 200 miles hiking, wow sounds like fun!!  It was a great lunch and later that day Brandon said he thought some of their semis passed us filled with cattle.  We were planning on spending our rest day relaxing there in the redwoods but with it rainy we kept going for Benbow state park.  Well Benbow state park was closed so we went to Richardson Grove State park.  There we saw Jim again and met some more cyclist traveling south.  It was a nice day even with the rain.

1 comment:

  1. Glad it worked out for you after all. Keep pedaling. We start the trail tomorrow! Woohoo
