Saturday, June 16, 2012

70 Miles

Okay so it may not seem like much to those avid cyclist who tour alot, but for the newbies it is an acomplishment.  Especially those who are the Golden Arches fan (aka McDonalds) this not being me of course.  It is just for the best fries in the world haha.  Anyway we made our first 70 miles this past week, in preparation for the ride.  No we did not carry our gear, at this point my thinking is go for speed and indurance.  So the total trip took us 5 hours this included a lunch break.  Which we learned you cannot take your empty water bottle and just think you can get it refilled, there are rules.  We each got one filled anyway.  The next day we werent as sore as we thought we might be.  Good thing we are taking our vitamins.!  We purchased our tickets for the trip back from San Diego, first to stop in Tiajuana.   Brandon has schedules for Baseball games.  I think that will be a given if we need to go further in miles to make a game.  Just finishing the final preparations for leaving house, Kyoto and Yoko.  I know the bird will be well cared for but Kyoto refuses to eat sometimes when we are gone.  Hopefully his stay at the Ritz Carlton Dog Kennel will make him eat more.!  We got our boxes to ship our bikes and have one more week to ride before we send them out next Saturday.  Hope the weather stays nice. This was a picture of our beautiful weather when we went out for our Memorial Day camping trip.    

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